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How Will Wind Power Affect Our Future?

The question "Is wind energy for real?" was posed in a Facebook post I saw this week. I was informed it was all just hype. My first thought was that if you were to go to the Southwest, you would be able to see firsthand wind power…

7 Easy Steps to Setting Up Private Blinds

Installing Blinds Provides Extra Secrecy! While closing the curtains to your bedroom at night effectively prevents prying eyes during the day, what else do you need to do to ensure your privacy? You can permanently close the curtains if…

Choosing a Digital Camera

Digital cameras have several advantages over film cameras, so they are becoming increasingly popular. Some of these benefits include seeing your photos as soon as possible after taking them and deciding whether to keep them. Many models…

How Does Google Display Targeted Ads?

Google's AdSense engine will periodically send a bot to your site called Googlebot to check it over. This bot is just a piece of software that reads your web pages. Googlebot analyzes things, including your site's native language, page…