Leading 8 Reasons Why You Should Your own Website On WordPress


If you’re just getting your actual business started and you are learning how to improve your online reputation or you have had a site for a little bit and you just aren’t happy with the item, you may have heard of WordPress and can be wondering what Squidoo is. Simply put WordPress is often a publishing platform used for making websites and blogs.

That allows for a highly customizable graphical user interface. WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide, and many big manufacturers use WordPress: CNN, Playstation 3 or Xbox, New York Times Blogs, Folks Magazine, and even Ford- each of them uses WordPress! Pretty outstanding list of users, if it is good enough for the big young boys, it’s good enough for your website. Still not convinced?!? This is my:

Top 8 Main reasons why You Should Build Your Website In WordPress

Reason 1: WordPress is just not going anywhere

As a free CMS (Content Management System) it has taken the world simply by storm – as of September 2011, “14. 7% in the top million websites inside the world” are powered simply by WordPress. WordPress is often lauded by web designers, web developers, and also users alike for its ease of use. This is part of the reason it is now so popular, and why it is growing just keeps accelerating.

I love stats, out of your tender are a few more very good ones: two years ago, Live journal was used by approximately 7. 5% of the top thousand websites in the world, so to bounce from 8. 5% to able to 14. 7% in one 12 months alone speaks volumes for just how popular WordPress is becoming, and many people love that platform! Here’s my favorite indicator:

As of August 2011 Squidoo powers 22% of all completely new websites. – Rao, Leena (19 August 2011). “WordPress Now Powers 22 Per-cent Of New Active Websites Inside U. S. “. TechCrunch

Reason 2: WordPress is no longer for blogging.

A long time ago, when anyone said WordPress, everyone easily thought of blogging. While it is the best solution to use to get blogging, it has come a long way and has now become a very comprehensive Information Management Suite used to electric power many different types of websites, including small business sites, job boards, websites featuring classified ads, etc.

Reason 3: WordPress is cost-effective… it has free!

It would cost a lot of income to have a custom CMS formulated that could do the same thing this WordPress does; so why not lower your expenses with WordPress? There’s no ought to reinvent the wheel, having WordPress being freely readily available and customizable. Like Squidoo, the plugins are generally at no cost as well. These plugins tend to be not only free but free as well. This means that like Squidoo, you can edit them so that you can.

Reason 4: WordPress is Bendable

A great thing about Squidoo is, as I mentioned above, it’s mainly completely open source – so that the source code used to function WordPress is available to the community. This means that anyone on the planet may change the code if necessary in addition to customizing WordPress even further to get what they need.

Often, this may not necessary, but it also means that virtually any plugins and themes (templates) created for the platform are also free! Imagine a worldwide neighborhood working together to add other gaming features and functionality to Live journal – you’re not limited to simply being able to use specific staff or developers to produce allow, which means it’s a powerful CMS system ready to do what you require it to, it’s adaptable and easy to customize.

Reason 5: WordPress is SEO helpful

Search engines such as Google adore WordPress because it uses well-crafted code. If you’re looking to get a head start with Search Engine Optimization, a Live journal is a way to go for your site and/or blog. While I was on the topic, adding new relevant content to your website is not hard with WordPress which is recommended as part of your online marketing strategy as it tells search engines that your website is alive and properly, thereby increasing your website’s get ranking and your chances of being observed via organic searches.

Reason 6: WordPress Has Low-priced Premium themes

Themes usually are what provide WordPress it has the design, it’s what logs onto the CMS to the micro. WordPress is very flexible in addition to adaptable. While there are some great free themes, I have found this for $70 bucks the nice premium themes are simply worth it. Most need almost no creating to order!

Reason 7: WordPress Allows you to find a solution.

Plugins usually are add-ons that can be simply installed in the WordPress dia area to add features that are not part of the core code. Should you need a specific feature or attributes that are not built-in, there are thousands of plugins available to increase WordPress’ functionality. In almost every scene so there is likely an alternative already developed for any matter you need – the possibilities usually are limitless!

Reason 8: WordPress is supported across the world community.

Because WordPress is open-source, there are thousands and thousands of people who are working to help make that better. You will find WordPress includes a very actively supported around-the-world community of WordPress designers and users! WordPress will be updated regularly, with fresh functionality, bug fixes, and also security fixes. Also, as there is such a large community around WordPress, any developer could work on a WordPress-based site to be able to update it, make adjustments, etc ., so you will never be placed ransom by any one artist or developer. YOU own your website!

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